If you’re looking for any variety of healthcare-related services in the Greenville area, Viva Med is a place for you. We are super cited to serve people in and around the Greenville area for any of their healthcare needs, whether they are looking for a primary care physician, body contouring, massage therapy, facelifts, skin tightening, Votiva Greenville NC, and so much more. We believe that care should not cost economical prices, as it is essential to daily functioning and quality of life. Come on in and see the quality care that we can give you for reasonable prices.

We are proud to offer Votiva Greenville NC services to you. This is very helpful if you are a woman and are having health concerns with your pelvic area. Sometimes, as we age, we lose the public for strength, muscle tone, elasticity, and more. We experience pain, low sensitivity, and a low level of sexual interest. Fortunately, there are ways to take care of this. Motive it is a great option that can help with all of these sorts of problems and more, and it is a painless, easy process so that you can get back to experiencing the higher quality of life that you miss.

In addition to Votiva Greenville NC, we are also able to offer the best primary care physician services in the area. Our doctor, Dr. Chris Lacroix, is absolutely the best at what he does, and he is excited to offer services to you at affordable prices. He understands how frustrating it can be to have to go to the doctor and have to pay crazy amounts for the services that are necessary for your daily functioning. Therefore, he offers his care to you and a concierge-style format, which means that you will be paying a flat, monthly rate that is affordable and reasonable. This will take care of all of your primary care physician needs so you will have to worry about occurring extra costs when you come in to see them for a cold.

We are also pleased to offer you a wide variety of ascetic services to help you restore confidence in your body. We offer skin tightening, vaginal tightening, facelifts, body contouring, spider vein removal, and more. Whenever they are procedures is the body contouring, which is a great service to help get rid of that last bit of stubborn body fat that won’t go away, no matter how hard you work out. Come give it a shot!

We would love to see you at Viva Med. Just give us a call at 252-329-8182; visit our website, myvivamed.com, and fill out the form on the Contact Us page; or visit us at our location at 705 WH Smith Blvd in Greenville, North Carolina. We are so excited to get to know you and to help you see that healthcare is available at affordable prices. Come restore the quality of your life without having to break your budget in the process. We hope to see you soon.

Votiva Greenville Nc | Frequently Asked Questions

Here at Viva Med, we are proud to offer a wide variety of amazing quality healthcare services at affordable prices. We believe everyone should have access to quality health care without having to break their budget. After all, healthcare is essential to daily functioning and foundational to every other thing that we deal with. Therefore, you should come in and see the difference that we can make in your life, whether you need help from a primary care physician, from a massage therapist, from Votiva Greenville NC, from ascetic procedures, and more. We offer at all, and we are pleased to help you find the procedure that is best for your needs.

Lots of people wonder what Votiva Greenville NC is. Votiva is a service that is very helpful for women who are having issues with sexual desire and pelvic health. People talk a lot about how men new sexual desire and functioning, but they forget that women can have problems, too. Here at Viva Med, you will never have that problem. We understand the stress and pain that can come from having issues with your sexual functioning. However, when you get Votiva services, you will experience a restoration of pelvic strength and muscle tone, elasticity, sensitivity, and sexual interest. And don’t worry; this is a painless and easy experience, so you will be able to get back to normal functioning without having to worry about extra problems.

Other people may ask what services we offer besides Votiva Greenville NC. We offer the most amazing primary care physician services in the Greenville area, as we have the best doctor in the area, Dr. Chris Lacroix. He is a board-certified physician who specializes in internal medicine, and he is able to take care of all of your primary care physician needs for affordable prices. We also have amazing massage therapists here at Viva Med, which are very helpful to help regulate the symptoms of many different issues that you may be experiencing. If you are dealing with depression, anxiety, dementia, hypertension, hypotension, headaches, fibromyalgia, or some other condition, massage therapy is a good choice for you.

Do we offer aesthetic services? We do! We love helping people restore their confidence in themselves. Whether you are looking for body contouring, skin tightening, facelifts, vaginal tightening, spider vein removal, or any other sort of service, we are going to be able to take care of you. Just check out our website and look at the many different procedures that we have to offer. What are our favorites his body contouring, as it can help get rid of that last bit of stubborn fat that is refusing to go away no matter how hard you work out and how well you eat?

We would love to get to know you here at Viva Med. Just give us a call at 252-329-8182; visit our website, myvivamed.com; or come to see us at our office at 705 WH Smith Blvd in Greenville, North Carolina. We hope to hear from you soon.